Well hello there. Remember me? You might or might not have noticed that I haven't posted in just over a month on my blog, and I haven't been hugely active on my Twitter. However, I have been having a lovely little break and having a bit of me time and I thought that today I would just catch you up on what I've been up to, and some plans for this blog.
For those of you who don't know, I started a new job 4 months ago and I finally feel like I've settled in and got used to the workplace. The added bonus is that I'm working with a lot of products that I have a real passion for absolutely love. Although, the beauty counters are making my wishlist ever growing! This new role meant that my blogging schedule went completely out of the window and I didn't know how to manage my time. Now that I've finally got used to my rota, it means that I have got a better idea of when I'm going to be able to post. Yay!
It's also recently been my birthday which was so lovely and relaxed. I might definitely spent my birthday money on a few beauty bits, so there will most likely be plenty of reviews coming up soon. As far as birthday celebrations go, it was quiet time spent with my family and Olly, having delicious meals out and cocktails. My favourite thing to do. I also visited France last week and had a humongous shopping list for Sephora and for some french skincare. It certainly was a successful shopping trip!
So, I'm coming up with a new schedule on my blog. I'm going to be posting three times a week on a Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (hopefully!) and anything else on top of that will be a bonus. It will still be the same content, a mixture of beauty and lifestyle, and I've just finished all of the makeup looks for my Retro Makeup looks which I'm really looking forward to sharing with you all! I'm also hoping to start up my YouTube channel again, but I shall keep you posted on that.
It feels nice to finally sit down and write a new blog post, I can't wait to be back into my proper routine. :)
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