Its that time of year again, when the nerves begin to kick in as people await results and confirmation of their places at university...
Two years ago I was in that same position and I really sure how I was going to react if I got the grades or hadn't quite done as well as I had hoped. Needless to say I'm going into my final year of uni in September and I thought I would share with you the things that I have learnt along my journey.
Firstly, its important to know that you have definitely picked the right university and course. For me, going on open days or looking online at different universities was really, really fun!! It may seem like there are so many to choose from but the best place to look as I'm sure that you will be aware is
UCAS. Once you have decided what sort of course you want to do you can see all of the universities that offer this course of a variation of that course. This is a lengthy process but the more research you do the better.
Visiting open days is extremely important because this is probably the first look that you will get of the place that you are going to spend the next three years of your life. It's important on the open day that you visit the campus in full, and if you get the chance have a look at the accommodation. Also, dont be afraid to ask questions to current students, lecturers, campus workers, any information is good information.
Once you have stared uni, organisation is key. Make a list of all the things you will need in halls, and only take what YOU need, dont buy more than necessary as they will go missing left, right and centre in Halls. Make sure that you have the necessary equipment for your lectures. It's not school, you can't put your hand up and say you've forgotten your pen or you have no paper. Everything is your responsibility.
Whether your in Halls or staying at home, keep things organised at home. Trust me, theres nothing worse than losing your lecture notes when you know you need them for some coursework. Make detailed notes in lectures and seminars because these will become essential for coursework and exam revision. Another big tip, it's not geeky to use the library! There are tons of resources in the library besides books, eg free internet, printers (although most unis do charge to print), journals, articles, seminar rooms, dvds and videos, projectors, the list goes on.
Another important tip that I learnt the hard way was manage your time correctly. When you get set a piece of coursework, you will be given the deadline date. The deadline day isnt the day it should be finished, it the day it should be handed in. Aim to have your work finished for atleast beforehand. This way you have time to proof read, add any extras, take items out, and just make any general amendments rather than rushing on the deadline day.
I'm going into my third and final year of my Tourism Management BA(Hons) Course at Manchester Metropolitan University and I honestly have had the best time of my life. At times it has been stressful, and there have been some days where I've wanted to pack the whole thing in. But I know that at the end of it I'm going to have a graduation day and have a degree to my name that I never thought I would have. The best part? I've made some real friends for life, and have proved to myself that I can do things if I just put my Mnd to it.
I hope this has helped anyone who is going to university in september, these are just lessons that I've learnt along the way and you will learn so much more from your own experiences. Sorry it's an extremely long post but I thought that it would be useful.
Good Luck,
Katie xx
Useful Links:
University League Tables 2013
What to take to halls
The First Day
Freshers Week
Student Beans
Voucher Codes